Archive for the 'Tripp’s Trips' Category

Estranged Tripp

Posted in Tripp's Trips on January 23rd, 2004

Tripp was always told that he should never talk to strangers.  One day, Tripp went for a walk and became lost and didn’t know how to get home.  He saw many people, many of which offered help, but Tripp would not allow himself to talk to strangers.  He never made it home.
Another neighborhood boy was also told by his parents to never talk to strangers.  However, after learning of Tripp’s fate, he said, “I will talk to strangers everywhere I go!  Look what happened to Tripp after following that silly advice!”  So he went out of his way to converse with strangers everywhere he went.  Eventually, one lead him away, and he too never made it home.

Diet Soda

Posted in Tripp's Trips on January 23rd, 2004

Tripp was so proud of the four pounds that he lost, the report was spread across town just moments after he stepped off of the scale.   One individual inquired as to what he had attributed his success.  “Diet Soda”, he replied.  “I know a lot of people don’t think it works, but it really does!  You just have to drink enough of it.” 
Tripp’s wife figured that it must had been the new bathroom scale.


Posted in Tripp's Trips on January 23rd, 2004

In a medical journal, Tripp had read about the health benefits of regularly having a glass of wine with dinner.  That same night, Tripp consumed all of the wine that he could and landed himself in the emergency room with alcohol poisoning.  Once he recovered, he sued the medical journal.

Tripp’s Travels

Posted in Tripp's Trips on December 23rd, 2003

Every year Tripp traveled north to visit his family for the holidays, and each year that he visited-his family had gifts waiting for him.  Now Tripp didn’t visit his family for the gifts, Tripp visited out of his love for them and desired to spend time with them.  But one year, Tripp was having a difficult time financially and he said to himself, “I will go north to visit my family and they will have gifts waiting for me.  Then I will sell them and get myself out of debt.”

But that year when Tripp traveled north to see his family, no one had anything of value for him.